German-Korean Collaboration


The Department of Energy Engineering of Hanyang University, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology of Saarland University and the Biosensors and Materials Group of KIST Europe have signed a

Memorandum of Understanding

concerning agreed on academic and research affairs, in particular:

1.  Initiating a joint degree program

2.  Exchange of faculty members, researchers and staff

3.  Exchange of graduate students

4.  Conducting joint research activities

5.  Holding lectures and symposia

6.  Exchange of information and academic publications


In order to fill this MoU with live, the following actions have been taken:

DAAD-supported Short-time Lecturership (4 weeks) of Prof. Hempelmann at Hanyang University in 2018

Scientific exchange with lectures at different Korean Universities and Research Institutes of Prof. Hempelmann (2 weeks) in 2019

Due to the Corona crisis all in-person activities in 2020 have been cancelled.


For Spring 2021 a joint workshop at KIST Europe is tentatively planned


The idea and preparations for a Korean-German joint or dual degree master study program in Materials Chemistry have been cancelled because the Korean (american) and the German (european) study systems are incompatible.




